Following Up with Hiring Managers

The situation is all too familiar. Your friend is in the market for a new job and after conducting their research, they’ve sent out 10 resumes to potential hiring managers. Days and weeks go by and they wonder why not even one of those hiring managers called back for an interview.What’s missing? The follow-up.

Why Follow Up?

Following up on job opportunities shows hiring managers your interest in working with the company. Each interaction is another way to sell your abilities and skills.

Follow up inquiries are intended to demonstrate interest. As long as you do it right, you will avoid sounding desperate or annoying.

Create a Job Leads List

Always make time to follow up all job leads, no matter how busy you are. Generally, you should follow up in a timely fashion – usually a week to 10 days for regular job-searching, sooner for online applications. If you apply online, consider also mailing a cover letter and resume to the hiring manager to help you stand out over the other applicants

Keep your follow up brief, to the point, and professional

If you recently completed training, received an award, or earned some other recognition that would make you an even better candidate for the position, be sure to mention it in your follow up

Continue following up regularly, but don’t overdo it.

When You Should Follow Up

There are plenty of occasions to follow up – it never hurts to stay top of mind. Use professional stationery and reach out during any of the following situations. Following up isn’t only important after receiving a “rejection letter” for a specific job

  • When you’ve told someone you will send them information
  • When you need to clarify a point you discussed previously
  • When you want to show appreciation to someone for assisting you in your job search by referring you to someone, providing you with information, or giving you career management advice – even after you’ve landed a job

Without bombarding their inbox, occasional reminders and check-in emails can help continue the conversations. Best of luck in your job search, and if you’re still looking – check out our job board!

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