How AI Is Revolutionizing Job Search: What Candidates Need To Know

Older gentleman sitting with coffee in hand next to an AI robot holding a briefcase

The way we search for employment is evolving rapidly thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). AI is transforming the job search landscape, offering candidates new tools and strategies to connect with potential employers more effectively than ever before. AI is reshaping the recruitment process, and Premier is here with essential insights that every candidate should know. Whether you’re entering the workforce for the first time or looking to pivot your career, understanding the impact of AI on job searching is the key to unlocking your next opportunity.

Understanding AI In Recruitment: An Overview

AI is being used on both sides of the metaphorical interview table. Recruiters and companies seeking staff are turning to AI tools to help parse through resumes and source potential candidates. AI also has plenty of uses for job seekers, from queries on where to look for work to tools that help you present the best version of yourself by improving your resume.

How AI Tools Are Streamlining Job Applications

Anyone who’s experienced the hiring process knows that it can be a long ordeal. There are often several rounds of interviews, varying in difficulty, length, and number of attendees. Often, even getting into the interview can be a challenge. Hiring professionals can also face a challenging process; discerning which applicant to hire out of a pool of hundreds is bound to take time. Applicants can get overlooked, especially if they’re someone who struggles in high-pressure environments like interviews. HR personnel have started employing Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to help them in the hiring process. Thus, in order to set yourself up for success while job searching, it’s crucial to understand the ways that AI affects the hiring process.

The Importance Of Keywords: Optimizing Your Resume For AI

According to PowerDreamer, an AI tool that helps with resumes and cover letters, keywords are terms and phrases that ATS looks for when scanning resumes. These phrases are related to the job application and typically include a list of skillsets, qualifications, or other relevant experiences that would show a candidate’s competency for the open position. The system then rates candidate resumes based on how well their keywords match the keywords of the job description, typically on a numerical scale. The hiring personnel then see this number and are able to use that to help figure out which applicants should be interviewed. In some cases, the number produced by an ATS system can be the difference between landing an interview and getting the cold shoulder.

AI: The Future of Job Searching

AI isn’t all bad news, though. In fact, it can be one of the most helpful tools for anyone in the job search process. There are many ways that AI is helping job searchers today to find the right position. Beyond helping you in the resume stage of the process, AI can tell you where to look for a job and what you should do once you land that interview.

Personalized Job Recommendations

AI chatbots are all the rage these days, and they’re employed for a myriad of uses. An article by Cornell explores how AI chatbots can be used to recommend positions. First, you input information about yourself and what you’re looking for. Tell your AI chatbot of choice the types of experience you have, the types of work you like to do, and even things you didn’t love about your past work. AI then takes that information, and with a bit of nudging, pops out suggestions on career paths that might use your skills, titles that you’d be qualified for, places to find those jobs, and even companies that are currently looking for someone like you. AI truly has reinvented the way that we find jobs, and with a bit of work, it turns a long and arduous task into a quick robotic conversation.

AI Aid: Acing The Interview

AI is also great when you’re a little further along in the hiring process. AI can help improve your chances of landing a job by preparing you for your upcoming interview. Once you tell AI what position you’re interviewing for, it can give you a list of potential interview questions that you should be prepared to answer. It also is great at giving you suggestions for questions you should ask the hiring team during the interview process. It can even give you tips on what you should wear, what you should say, and what toothpaste gives you the shiniest smile! If you still aren’t feeling quite ready for your interview, check out our tips on how to perform in an interview with our Interview Checklist For Job Seekers.

The Future Of Hiring

AI isn’t the only option on the market if you’re looking to get hired. At Premier, we specialize in streamlining the hiring journey. Our team has decades of experience placing diverse talent in various roles. Let us help you find your next career move and learn more about how we can help you.

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