Recruiting Tips to Attract Veterans

Military veterans have specialized skills, discipline, dedication, and loyalty. They are valuable assets in any job market but are particularly prized in today’s tight candidate-driven market. As military service members transition to civilian life and seek jobs, how can your firm attract and recruit this valuable subset of job seekers? Here are a few ways to let veterans know you desire and value their skills:

Share Your Company’s Mission and Culture

Having clear values and a relatable company mission can make a big difference when hiring veterans. Identify which aspects of your mission and values will resonate with veterans, and be sure to communicate them during the employment process. In addition, share the elements of your company culture that will be attractive to veteran candidates, such as:· Team-building. Military personnel are trained to be team players. If collaboration and team-building exercises are part of your culture, let your veteran candidates know.· Support. Making the transition to civilian worklife can be challenging. Let your veteran job seekers know about employee resource groups or veteran resource groups that can provide needed help and support. Be sure to highlight your involvement with veteran organizations online and in your community, too. Getting involved—and staying active— is a great way to attract veteran job seekers and retain the veterans you already have on staff.· Mentoring. Create connections among your veteran employees by asking experienced veteran staff to mentor or train new employees. This will create a welcoming comfort zone for new hires.

Build Your Veteran Employment Brand

Make it clear in your employment branding that you are hiring veterans. Your website, social media posts, networking efforts, and more should reflect a veteran-friendly brand. Make veteran job seekers feel welcome by creating a dedicated landing page on your website with veteran-specific information. Showing dedication can yield lasting results, so commit to the long-term with your veteran recruiting efforts.

Plan or Attend Veteran Recruiting Events

How can you connect with veteran job seekers? You can find them at:

· Job fairs and recruiting events online, at a military base, or in a traditional setting· Online and community organizations that support veterans.· Educational institutions with veteran programs.

Write Veteran-Friendly Job Posts

When writing blog posts, explain how the skills veterans possess can be used in today’s job market. Additionally, consult veteran employees for feedback on the language you use in your job posts. They might be able to help you use Military Occupational Codes (MOC) to help you compare job qualifications in the military to the civilian job qualifications required for positions. On the other side of the equation, offer training for your HR team in reading military resumes so that they can develop skills in parsing military ranks, titles, and skills for available jobs.Looking to hire veterans with valuable, transferable skills? Let us help. Premier Talent Partners is dedicated to creating a diverse and welcoming work world for all and can help your company hire talented, disciplined, loyal veteran job seekers. Contact us today.

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