The Ins and Outs of a Job Recruiting Agency

If you’ve been on the job hunt for any length of time, most likely someone has advised you check out a job recruiting agency. While you may be interested, chances are you’re also a little intimidated, and that’s normal. If you’re asking yourself, “Um, how do staffing agencies work?” you’re not alone.Instead of turning a blind eye and continuing to fling your resume into the gaping void that is the world of Internet job boards, though, why not educate yourself instead? Once you understand the ins and outs of how staffing companies work, you’ll likely see how useful they can be to you, and add an amazing tool to your job search kit.

What is a Recruiting Agency For?

A recruiting agency has two roles: to help you in your job search and to help companies find excellent employees. They simplify the hiring process for both sides, whether on a temporary or permanent basis, by matching available candidates with companies who have open positions. They strive always to ensure a good fit, which makes for the longest-lasting and most profitable relationship.

Who Pays the Recruiting Agency?

This is an important point: Recruiting agencies are paid by companies. While you are very valuable to recruiting firms, since you are the product they are supplying to the end user, staffing agencies are beholden to the client, who actually pays their salaries. Want to play the game right? You need to be an attractive candidate to recruiting firms by making a good impression and being clear about your skills, so they have a lot to work with.

Do Recruiting Agencies Have “Real” Jobs?

Many recruiting newbies assume that there aren’t any “real” jobs to be had at recruiting agencies. The thinking goes that if you can’t find a direct hire and are starting to get desperate, then and only then should you get in touch with a recruiter. That, however, is very misguided, because many people have found excellent jobs and have stayed with companies for years (even decades) by working with a staffing agency.

Can You Get a Higher Than Entry Level Job?

Yes. Recruiting agencies operate at all levels, from the lowest entry-level jobs to the highest C-Suite positions. No matter where you’re at in your career or the job search, it pays to come to a recruiter for help.

Why Work with a Recruiting Agency?

People tend to think of recruiting agencies as a last resort for when they can’t find jobs and “have” to accept temporary work. But actually, a lot of people like temporary work, because it offers a flexible schedule and time to attend school or improve skills. If you’re looking to improve your craft or take your career in a new direction, temp work can be perfect.Now that you know a bit more about how a job recruiting agency, you can probably see how useful it would be to work with one. If you’re ready to take a big step forward in your own life and career, it’s time to get in touch with a company such as Premier Talent Partners today. We work a little differently, helping you forge excellent relationships and widen your network long-term, no matter what position you land in the meantime. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you.

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