Should You Use a Staffing Agency to Find a Career

Many job seekers mistakenly assume that getting a job through a staffing agency will mean lower wages, a shorter tenure, or less challenge and interest in their job. None of this is true. In fact, getting a job through a staffing agency can significantly expand your opportunities and even lead to lifelong careers you love. Here are six reasons to consider getting a job through a recruitment firm today.

1. Many Employers Are Going Through Staffing Agencies Even for Permanent Hires

Not only are companies more and more frequently turning to staffing agencies for temporary positions, they are increasingly turning to them for permanent hires as well. Many companies want to “try on” candidates before they hire them full time, and going through a staffing agency is an easy way for them to do this. If you want to be first in line for real opportunity, accepting some uncertainty in the short-term is a good bet.

2. Staffing Agencies Simplify the Job Search

The job market is big and confusing, and it’s hard to tell from an online posting whether open positions are right for you. If you want to cull the wheat from the chaff, a staffing agency is the best way to do it. They’ll guide you toward opportunities that matter and away from those that just suck up time without return.

3. You’ll Receive Ongoing “Interview” Opportunities

Even if you don’t end up getting a full time position at your job placement, if you successfully follow instructions and impress the employer, they may think of you when a job opens up. If you perform exceptionally well on the job, you may not even need to wait. They may create one for you just to keep you on board.

4. They Make LOTS of Jobs Available

One of the best benefits of working with a staffing agency is they have access to so many jobs. Many of these aren’t even posted online, since companies have no need to look beyond the candidates the agency supplies. If you want increased access, contact a recruitment firm.

5. Recruitment Agency Connections Are Better Than Yours

Common advice for job seekers is to leverage your network. While that’s true, your network is puny compared to your local staffing agency’s. If you could leverage their considerably bigger list of connections, why wouldn’t you?

6. Your Resume and Interview Will Be SO Much Better

Did you know that staffing agencies actually help you with your resume and coach you with your interviews? It’s true. They don’t simply hand you an open listing and expect you to take it from there; recruiting firms help you go over your resume with a fine-toothed comb, do the applying for you, and then coach you all the way through the interviewing and hiring process. Pretty sweet deal, right?Ready to find out how much a staffing agency can do for you? Get in touch with Premier Talent Partners, the recruitment agency that does things a little different. Instead of landing you a temp job and sending you out the door, we work hard to create long-term relationships you can count on now and in the future. If you’re ready to see how working with us can empower change in your life, call today.

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